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    2 years, 9 months ago

    Coorg natural and pure honey has a good, normal flavour and aroma for the floral sources and the honey is free from caramelized flavour or objectionable flavour caused by fermentation, smoke, chemicals, or other causes with the exception of the predominant floral source". Honey is collected from wild bee colonies or from domesticated beehives. Forest honey is a general name given to varieties of honey made not from flower nectar, but from a sugary secretion of certain insect species that eat plant sap. It is also commonly called honeydew honey or tree honey. What's in the jar? 100% pure forest honey Why is it great? Confused? Pondering over what you just read? Yes, this is not just honey, this is Forest Honey, one of the most profound offerings from Actionface. The value of honey depends upon the flowers from which bees collect their nectar. And where can you find a variety of herbal and medicinal plants together in their full? Right, in a forest! In the heart of lush green forests, the blooming plants are not just fresh and in abundance but also 100% natural.

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