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Is the BRICS still an epitome of trust and inclusiveness or just a falling empire shaken and divided by betrayals

Is the BRICS still an epitome of trust and inclusiveness or just a falling empire shaken and divided by betrayals
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BRICS summit is a group formed by formiddable emerging economies with inspiring history , tradition , culture , people namely, Brazil - Russia - India - China - South Africa. The BRICS has been formed with a vision to work hand in hand together towards mutual cooperation and concensus for global inclusiveness and development in every areas, sectors and spectrum of human values.

The BRICS started with a bang sending a strong positive signal to all the nations and groups of nations as a new power of hope for global peace and economic prosperity
BRICS was found n the year 2006 and has been hosting annual summit to discuss mutual Cooperation, trade and economic ties , contribution to the world economy and peace.
But in a nutshell, the deteriorating relationship in the recent past between India and China has created a dent raising doubts about the effectiveness, efficiency and productivity of hosting such summit. Is it just an eyewash or will have a breakthrough in resolving the trust deficits for a much stronger bond of togetherness and inclusiveness among the group.
We hope BRICS will stay together bonding mutually through trust and belief.